Notes on H.P. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine
Volume 1 (page 1 of notes)

List of Terms:

Pralaya - Pralaya, in Hindu cosmology, is a period of time of the cycle of existence of the planets where activity does not occur. It lasts, according to computations of the Brahmins, 4,320,000,000 years. The period of activity, Kalpa, has the same duration.

Mahamanvantara - one complete cycle of creation and destruction, of Tzim-Tzum, of Brahma through Shiva opening his eye and destroying the current multiverse and a new (but still the same) Brahma creating a new multiverse.

Notes on "Proem":

This section immediately reminds one of the quabalistic doctrine of tzim-tzum, which can be applied to an event of creation if the creation is perceived as a "big bang" type of event.  It fascinates me that the current model of cosmology as described by modern physics has a big bang, starting from a singularity, after which the universe and space itself comes into existence, the space expanding to the point is reached that the energy provided by the initial big bang is overcome, and the force of gravity and it's kin take over, and we have a "big crunch".  Tzim-Tzum.

Notes on "The Oldest MSS in the World and its Symbolism":

A strange analogy is implied it seems, `chaos` is to `sense` as `Kosmos` is to `reason`.  This seems to equate Kosmos with chaos after a fashion, I have always assumed the Kosmos to be a fairly ordered place, with moments of chaos being the exception, yet this places chaos as the norm for the Kosmos, and order as the exception.  I can see this point of view, it certainly makes sense in light of post-Einstein physics.

An interesting note from Wikipedia "It originates from a Greek term κόσμος meaning "order, orderly arrangement, ornaments," and is the antithetical concept of chaos".

Deeper consideration of the above thoughts brought about the concept of Kosmos representing a union of the two, chaos and order, thesis and antithesis.  Kosmos for me can be the synthesis, the salvation of chaos and order.

Notes on "The One Life, Active and Passive":

This section has made me revisit the abstractions of the Svabhavikas, a sublime model that includes the concept of thesis, antithesis, synthesis mentioned above.  This school of esoteric Buddhism amounts to a philosophy that the doctrine is heavily indebted to.  A pdf describing this school of philosophy can be obtained HERE.

The passage quoted from Isis Unveiled leaves one confused a bit, this requires a new level of synthesis I think, seemingly clearly demarked periods of activity and repose, the periods of activity having no beginning and no end.

The entire text of volume one (Cosmogenisis) of the Secrete Doctrine can be obtained HERE.